
9 days prayer for the “Pro-Life Day” in the Diocese of HK

May 18, 2018

Prayer for the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong
That the leaders and members of the Church may fulfil with joy their calling to proclaim, celebrate, and serve the Gospel of Life. For this we pray to the Lord.

Response: Lord of glory, hear our prayer.



May 21, 2018

Prayer for the care-giver of the sickness
Healer of souls and comforter of the weary, help to lighten the burden of families who are caring for their sick loved ones. For this we pray to the Lord.

Response: Lord of glory, hear our prayer.



May 24, 2018

Prayer for Babies in Their Mother’s Womb
For all babies in their mother’s womb, that God will continue to nurture and protect all embryos and keep them safe in the sanctuary of their mother’s womb. For this we pray to the Lord.

Response: Lord of glory, hear our prayer.



May 25, 2018

For all children
For all children, especially those who are forgotten or neglected, that their presence might remind us of the precious value of human life. For this we pray to the Lord.

Response: Lord of glory, hear our prayer.



May 28, 2018

Prayer for Those with Profound Disabilities
For those with profound disabilities, that we may bear witness to the truth that every life has value and that no life is worthless. Hear our prayers for our brothers and sisters whose bodies fail them and whose minds are crippled by the ravages of disease. For this we pray to the Lord.

Response: Lord of glory, hear our prayer.



May 29, 2018

Prayer for Those Close to Death
For those who are close to death, that Jesus the Good Shepherd will strengthen every soul about to die and bring them safely to the paradise of perfect peace. For this we pray to the Lord.

Response: Lord of glory, hear our prayer.

請為垂死者祈禱,求善牧主耶穌堅強及引領每位垂死者的靈魂,抵達那充滿平安的天鄉。 為此我們同聲祈禱。


May 30, 2018

Prayer to End Abortions
For an end to abortions, that God may protect all unborn babies, and keep them safe from the scourge of abortion. For this we pray to the Lord.

Response: Lord of glory, hear our prayer.

請為終止墮胎而祈禱,求主保護所有尚未出生的胎兒,賜予他們平安,使他們免於被墮胎的苦難。 為此我們同聲祈禱。


May 31, 2018 Pro-Life Day 維護生命日

Prayer for Health Care Workers
For all health care workers, that God may bless all doctors and nurses, and help them use their skills to heal and foster life, and never destroy it. For this we pray to the Lord.

Response: Lord of glory, hear our prayer.

請為所有醫護人員祈禱,求主祝福所有醫生及護士,協助他們運用擁有的技能來治癒生命,永不作出摧毀生命的行徑。 為此我們同聲祈禱。
